Michael Grzesiek
Streamer: twitch.tv/shroud | Executive Creator #ProjectAstrid @SplashDamage | @SpectreDivide | maingear.com/shroud | Business: [email protected]
ID: 1542453360
http://youtube.com/shroud 24-06-2013 04:29:31
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Designed for tac shooter enthusiasts like Michael Grzesiek. Join our playtest to put your skills to the test. ❗ Next playtests run daily from July 19–31 NA - 5pm - 9pm PT EU - 7pm - 11pm CET ➡️ Sign up now at mountaintop.gg/playtest
Spectre Divide is a fresh take on the tactical shooter genre. ▶ Get a full rundown on the game and its history from Lee, Nate, Rich, and Michael Grzesiek 📝Wishlist + request access to the Stress Test: store.steampowered.com/app/2641470/