I stood my ground on what kind of dog I want. So we got the exact dog I’ve always wanted, and she has claimed my wife as her human. instagram.com/p/B1Xdrp6lg4d/…
Dog peed on the new and now old couch. My wife replaced it today with this one. Said dog is in the photo somewhere. If I peed on a couch I would be an asshole, therefore he is an asshole. instagram.com/p/B5a7QydFwBi/…
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
“Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.”
“I never understood wind.”
— Donald Trump
I close my eyes remembering Christmases past. Friends and family long gone. Peace and pain. Love and loss. Eyes open, and I feel the warmth of the blessings of the present. I breathe deep a hope, always hope, for the future. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
Family game night in Lapine. 30 minutes into the game and not everyone has had a turn yet. Mama Shores is not doing well emotionally. @ La Pine, Oregon instagram.com/p/B7NfFVGFtMz/…
As I was going over paperwork with the mom I forgot I left my van door open. Azalea took advantage of the situation and tried to Jack my van. In her defense she thought it was a fire truck.
Headed into my 10th year of sobriety from alcohol or any kind altering drugs. I never thought I could make it for 24 hours. Thank God I had help. #sober #sobriety