Photographer. Proofreader. Happily married to a seafarer. #Labor supporter, USQ grad. Writer on life. RWNJs blocked. #LoveDogs #Autism #Feminism #VoteYes
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https://shiannonlc.wixsite.com/mysite-1 10-07-2018 04:00:32
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FMD! Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash demanding the government get the Chinese tarriffs on lobsters removed. It was the vile sinophobic rhetoric of the former coalition government she was part of that resulted in the tariffs being put in place in the first place. How thick is she? ! #auspol

#JohnHoward rode the coat-tails of Keating's economic reforms and was lauded by the media as an economic genius (he wasn't). Jim Chalmers MP is ensnared in the coat-tails of Morrison's economic incompetence and is being criticised by the same media as a failure (he's not). #auspol