Shauna Summers
Immunology specialist nurse @ Manchester Royal Infirmary 🩵
ID: 1618642152191311872
26-01-2023 16:09:21
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Do you know how #vaccines work? 🤔 Our animation with NHS England explains how vaccines train our #ImmuneSystem to protect us against serious diseases 🛡️ Find out more in our guide to childhood #vaccinations ➡️ #VaccineConversations
It's #WorldPIWeek! ✨ Understanding more about #PrimaryImmunodeficiency will not only help us diagnose & treat these conditions but also further our understanding of the immune system Take a look at this fantastic Review Series from our official journal Clinical & Experimental Immunology ⤵️
As you watch the Aurora this evening, it’s worth reflecting that you’re getting a rare direct glimpse of the power of Nature. Those charged particles causing the atmosphere to glow came from a sunspot complex 17 times the diameter of Earth and traveled across 90 million miles at