Steven Roldan (スティーヴン)
Extrovert scientist. Ex-OrgChem, PhD in CompChem | Capsicum 🌶️ addict | 🔑⛓️ & 🥃 collector | Armed with a keyboard and a smile
ID: 4205296630
16-11-2015 22:43:57
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585 Following
Hi #chemtwitter! I will be soon advertising a PhD position (overseas and national students) to work with me at Chemistry_QMUL! If you are interested in catalysis and fundamental chemistry get in touch!
PhD position 👩🔬🧑🔬 Chemistry_QMUL to work with me and build bridges between inorganic and organic chemistry to develop new catalysts based on sustainable and abundant elements! Details here⬇️ Deadline: 15th April…
It seems that converting XYZ files to SDF files (when the molecule is charged) do not seem to be a trivial thing, does anybody know a solution to this? So the SDF gets the right charge value without changing the original bond orders. #compchem #cheminformatics Kjell Jorner
Fully-funded PhD position 👩🔬🧑🔬 Chemistry_QMUL to work with me in London🇬🇧 and explore synergistic effects between low-valent MG organometallics and light towards catalysis! Details here Deadline: 31st January 2023…
The team is welcoming a new member! Good luck to Dr Steven Roldan (スティーヴン), He will work on elucidating polymerization mechanisms to unlock the synthesis of new elastomers! ANR ICBMS Lyon CP2M - UMR 5128 Michelin
2 PhD and 1 Postdoc positions in Computational Biochemistry and Biocatalysis are open in the group of Marc Garcia-Borràs (Marc Garcia-Borràs) and Ferran Feixas (Ferran Feixas) at the IQCC UdG Universitat de Girona #compchem
You want to learn EPR...this school is for you! infranalytics @INC_CNRS
After a lot of tuning and a bunch of adventures, ITEMM Group finally has its first bunch of X-ray absorption data 💫 The staff at BM16 (FAME-UHD) European Synchrotron esrfsynchrotron_FR was amazing in solving our set up issues and accommodating our whimsical samples !#Realtimechem #Chemistry
I swear that there's very few things that make me so angry as SNCF Connect . Only problems with them since I got into France 😡🤬.