Ana Fernandez-Sesma
Innate immune modulation by dengue virus and other viruses. 🪑 of 🦠. Family, Friendships, Mentoring and Science. Views my own
ID: 877627057538256896
http://labs.icahn.mssm.edu/fernandez-sesma-lab/ 21-06-2017 20:39:30
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Don’t forget to register for Keystone Symposia Positive-strand RNA meeting! The early registration deadline is approaching, and your PI will be grateful for the money saved. 😂

Our collaborators study #covid19 + #LongCovid Projects underway at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Stanford Immunology La Jolla Institute Seattle Children's Yale School of Medicine Collaborators include Alessandro Sette Raphael Gottardo 📊🧪🖥️ Ken Stuart Simon Lab (ISMMS) Ana Fernandez-Sesma Prof. Akiko Iwasaki Their data shared at ImmPort

Nice occasion to get together after a great presentation by Lisa Miorin on her grant proposal. Lots of ideas and feedback! #SinaiMicroVirology

En el #XVIICNV hemos concedido el Premio “Virólogo Senior” de la #SEV a nuestro ilustre socio Adolfo García-Sastre (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai), con una larga trayectoria en virología y más de 700 artículos publicados. Le ha entregado la placa Albert Bosch Albert Bosch, Presidente de la SEV.

El #XVIICNV ha terminado con el anuncio de la ciudad que acogerá el #XVIIICNV EN 2026. Nos veremos en CÁCERES… y el comité organizador estará presidido por Sonia Vázquez Sonia Vázquez Morón (cacereña de pro y científica titular del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)).