Franziska Sendker
postdoc - designing proteins at Dana-Farber/Harvard Medical School | formerly, evolutionary biochemistry at Max PIanck Institute in Marburg
ID: 1425502810108538881
11-08-2021 17:02:19
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Marburg has been an unbelievable place for me to start my group, with incredible mentors, colleagues, and group members . I'm very grateful we've been given a chance to stay on. Many exciting things are brewing, so here's to the future. uni-marburg.de/de/aktuelles/n… (excuse the German)

Excited to announce our new paper on designing allosterically regulated protein assemblies from scratch, now published in nature! This collaborative effort included key contributions from Florian Praetorius, Abbas Idris, Annika Philomin, cweidle and others! nature.com/articles/s4158…

Happy to share our latest work on the reduction of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (#CO2) by the iron #nitrogenase out now Science Advances. The conversion of CO2 competes with N2 fixation and results in the formation of feedstock chemicals (HCOOH, CH4) doi.org/10.1126/sciadv…

Excited to share this story now in Nature Communications where we investigate the molecular mechanisms behind the evolution of enhanced metabolic "addiction" between microbial partners in a synthetic community. rdcu.be/dRIE5 Many thanks to SourjikLab for an amazing time in Marburg