Khaled A. Selim
J.Professor for Microbiology & Cell Signaling @UniFreiburg @BUnifr @CoE_CMFI
Central Metabolism Coordination by #PII & #cdiAMP signaling
ID: 1323629538262327296
https://rb.gy/gkir8x 03-11-2020 14:14:46
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Meet Hadeer Elhabashy, a postdoc in Lupas' lab at Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen, exploring proteins & their interactions. She uses computer screening to analyse virtually any protein & its network, which could revolutionise cell processes & medical treatments Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany | Sept. 16-20 24 #PostDocAppreciationWeek

As usual amazing talk by Kai The Thormann Den on flagellum and revealing some of it's secrets #BacNet24

Simply wooow! Regine Hengge showed us the art in microbiology 🤩 The Microverse Project: blurring the boundaries in a living Theatrum Naturae SPP2389 Bacteria! Beyond the single cell! #BacNet24

Simply wooow! Regine Hengge showed us the art in microbiology 🤩 The Microverse Project: blurring the boundaries in a living Theatrum Naturae Nucleotide Second Messengers in Bacteria #BacNet24

A great talk by Tiffany Zarrella on interspecies interaction and surfing motility .... Keep going Tiffany for this cool science 🤩 #BacNet24

A beautiful close for the morning section by Victor Sourjik SourjikLab from SYNMIKRO Marburg Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology on the evolutionary cost of flagellation vs. benefits #BacNet24

A blow minding talk by Petya Krasteva with a lot of passion and a lot of beautiful structures 🤩 #BacNet24

A wonderful close for the morning section by Géraldine Géraldine Laloux on bacterial predation #BacNet24

Our years of work on nitrogenase assembly paid off! So proud of this paper, which demonstrates the heterologous expression of an active nitrogenase. Thanks to everybody involved for a great team effort! Nature Catalysis, Ribbe Hu Labs, UCI Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences, UCI Chemistry doi.org/10.1038/s41929…

Isolation of new species from the class Limnochordia from the deep biosphere. Two thermophilic strains are able to switch between anaerobic and aerobic types of metabolism, utilizing starch, dextrin, xylan, chitin, and simple sugars. Frontiers - Microbiology frontiersin.org/journals/micro…

Highly recommend PhD position in München... With very cool Project and highly motivated PI ;-) Carolin Wendling