Selica International for Innovation and Evolution
Selica International covers international companies’ establishment services, business training & development, Business Consultancy, translation & localization
ID: 3131421587
http://www.selicaie.com 02-04-2015 21:21:18
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Huge congrats to King Charles III The Royal Family from #Selica_International on his coronation ceremony! Long live the king 👑🎉🙌. Watch full video youtu.be/valxVjFo460 #royalcelebration #KingCharlesIII #CoronationConcert #CoronationWeekend #CoronationBigLunch #TheBigHelpOut

#LabourDay2023 #WorkersDay2023 At Selica International for Innovation and Evolution we are creating opportunities for many workers all over the world supporting many international organizations. Read the full article linkedin.com/pulse/internat…