A ko o nthuse ha Rre Makoba how does the move from poor to middle income help us a citizens..do a little bit of research on income inequality in this country..
Ne ke mo thalosa kgantele ka boripana gore ha gotwe 4000 go tewa jang..koore hela batho ba akanya thata..we want to balance the equation between the rich and the poor
If you were opposition and you ddnt like SKI's affiliation to the opposition, would you turn around and go to the ruling party such that you benefit from them?Eli Earl kana gongwe dingwe ga re di thaloganye?
According to Noonoo(2015) secondary school teachers are highly respected and highly paid and this keeps a high requirement in society to the teaching profession..This is only in Finland..guys read all about how Scandinavian countries transformed their economies re ka sela sengwe
All Scandinavian countries promote the use of public transportation instead of individual transportation and gradually transform the downtowns of their cities into exclusively pedestrian zones.these are not my words..
One thing I would like the current government to do is to rejuvenate the public service..Service delivery is very important to grow the economy. We need to work and work extra hard..Road to Public Management
We need to see Botswana National Productivity Centre,Botswana Public Service College and Botswana Youth council playing a pivotal part in rebuilding Botswana service industry..we really need to revatalise our public service to reach full potential in terms of Productivity.