Coolmade2me(@Coolmade2me) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌴'Get ready for summer with our Hawaiian Skull Shirt. Perfect for the beach or a night out, this shirt will make a statement wherever you go. Order now!'

🌴'Get ready for summer with our Hawaiian Skull Shirt. Perfect for the beach or a night out, this shirt will make a statement wherever you go. Order now!' 
ravyn mostly(@ohravyn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Lil B THE BASEDGOD I know it’s not cheeks or holes but for real Ive had most based tatted on me for like 8 years now and i just need you to know cause for how ghetto it looks it’s still who I am its hard being real 👽💋 you get it

@LILBTHEBASEDGOD I know it’s not cheeks or holes but for real Ive had most based tatted on me for like 8 years now and i just need you to know cause for how ghetto it looks it’s still who I am #mostbased #hoodchic its hard being real 👽💋 you get it