Diana Aguilar, M.Ed. MVPnav🤘🏽 It’s all to undercut the workforce and get cheap labor. The reason why there are so many undocumented workers in agriculture is bc a lot people won’t hire people who are legal for this very reason. H-2A Visa are available. Misguided compassion is actually making things worse.
Liza Rosen It's really simple... If you support terrorists, ESPECIALLY if you are here on a VISA, you get deported.
Free_Rivertothesea Open Source Intel So you are saying some of them are international students that skipped school to go protest for a foreign country in a foreign country?? Well then that’s proper reason to cancel visa and send them home.
Richard Arion Shauna Shaw Dominic Michael Tripi I'm sure you're probably correct. But the universities let them in knowing they had a visa. All the things like vandalism and potential terrorism are already illegal. I may have missed it but it doesn't seem to be clearly only used against student visas.
Matthew Plunkett Sal the Agorist No, if you openly support terrorist groups and call for the death of a certain group, your visa may be revoked.
Priyesh Sharma lucky ducks! must be nice to have that visa magic!
Brian Lilley Mexican cartels running fentanyl labs in Canada. Trudeau removed Visa requirements 2016 after Harper imposed. Canada has had open borders since Trudeau was elected. Way intelligence than the RCMP.
Benny Johnson The majority of the farm workers who pick these crops come into the US legally with work visa's and have done so for decades. The argument that these illegal aliens are here to be farm workers is total nonsense. This argument is simply more liberal propaganda.
asderel00 Oscar Lopez 1 " visas que incumplan la ley", si la visa no cumple con todas las normativas es normal q los deporten. 2 si apoyas a terroristas q no te extrañe que investiguen si tienes algún vínculo con el terrorismo, eres completamente libre de decirlo pero luego bancate las consecuencias
Rafael Bernabe Dale, Ve a Venezuela, Cuba o Rusia, sin visa ni pasaporte y dime que ningún ser humano es ilegal.
Jeppecounty 👌🙏 🇮🇱 När man gick i skolan på 70-talet var även vi hungriga ibland. Men vi uppförde oss. Hade man gjort något dumt fick man ta konsekvenserna. Man lärde sig att visa respekt för andra och vad som var rätt och fel. Men detta fick man även med sig hemifrån. Nu invasiv kultur utifrån!
Carlos Leal 🇲🇽 Por más que se la chupes a Trump, no te va a dar la visa, pendejo. 🖕🏾