Rob McDowall AMRSPH FRSA This is why Thomas Kerr jumped ship to Reform UK. The 2024 election result. He's saving his own skin.
Glasgow Times This is why Thomas Kerr jumped ship to Reform UK. The 2024 election result. To save his own skin.
Malcolm Clark Reform UK Scotland Cllr Thomas Kerr I'm no fan of Thomas Kerr but clearly you can't hide your bigotry and hope Kerr realises you're just the type of bigot he'll be relying upon for votes.…
Niall Christie This is why Thomas Kerr jumped ship to Reform UK. The 2024 election result.
Nigel Farage MP Thomas Kerr who? #FarageRiots #BrexitHasFailed
The National No-one calls him Thomas. It's Juan. Juan Kerr.
Nigel Farage MP Thomas Kerr Cllr Thomas Kerr looks like a nonce so will fit in well at Reform UK.