💥 ¡El nocaut del año! 💥 Mauricio Ruffy dejó a todos boquiabiertos en la UFC 313 con una increíble patada giratoria que noqueó a King Green en solo 2 minutos. 😱🥋 Este golpe espectacular ya está dando la vuelta al mundo y se ha vuelto viral. ¡No te pie… diarioregistrado.com/deportes/-el-n…

💥 ¡El nocaut del año! 💥 Mauricio Ruffy dejó a todos boquiabiertos en la UFC 313 con una increíble patada giratoria que noqueó a King Green en solo 2 minutos. 😱🥋 Este golpe espectacular ya está dando la vuelta al mundo y se ha vuelto viral. ¡No te pi... diarioregistrado.com/deportes/-el-n…

nick johnson 🇪🇺 🌈,🕊️🎸 Yellow and Gold are the same colour. I think you mean Green and Gold. You absolute Bertie! 😂

Breitbart News But you are not Dr King. You are just a guy who runs his mouth, siphons money from people and lies through your teeth. Dr King fought for something to ensure our country is better. Dr King had guts and integrity. Mr Green you could not even lick the bottoms of the shoes of Dr

HammerFall Heavy Metal Yeti Title track has unique melodies, Hail to the king is magnificently epic, and The end justifies is straight killer!

O Ruffy tava mandando o King Green deitar no #ufc313, ele não quis e deitou na marra! André Azevedo ele caiu pedindo maca firme 🤣🤣