الأعلامي عمر ناصر اليافعي🇾🇪 د علياء القيسي ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Houthi, Jundallah, Jundallah or bdullah Azzam Brigades all muslim. Many of them distort your religion, I guess.

Brandon H.--The Ghost of Joseph K.🪤 Syrian Girl America is not going to live with a Houthi dagger to its international trade. Trump hasn’t forgotten the past year of them trying to kill Americans. Their flag literally says death to America. America first. whitehouse.gov/articles/2025/…

The White House Yes our egg and gas prices are because of the Houthi’s…… Who the fuck runs the social media for the orange cheetoh? I hate the man and can make better posts.

Sprinter Observer “Houthi” not Yemen. The Yemen government will be backing the US to help it get rid of the Houthi rats.

floridanow1 The White House Biden already did this exact same thing, to the exact same target set. January 15, 2024, struck the same Houthi targets, and Trump put him on blast for it. Now he's doing the same thing.