Rep. Elise Stefanik(@RepStefanik) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Democrats’ corrupt and desperate witch hunts against President Trump must come to an end. This is lawfare and blatant election interference and the American people know it. That is why today I filed an official complaint with the Department of Justice Office of Professional

Buck Sexton(@BuckSexton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Pelosi can’t even make herself believe her own bullshit on Biden, which is why she lashes out here. That’s how bad things are looking for Democrats now.

Benny Johnson(@bennyjohnson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨TRUMP: 'The whole thing is a HOAX. They're controlled by the White House. They're controlled by Democrat judges and prosecutors.. they hate Trump.'

AJ Huber(@Huberton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨BREAKING: Judge Juan Merchan has fined President Donald Trump $9,000 for violating his gag order.

The whole thing is a HOAX!
They're controlled by the White House!
They're controlled by Democrat judges and prosecutors! They hate Trump!

Elise Stefanik(@EliseStefanik) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Democrats’ corrupt and desperate witch hunts against President Trump must come to an end. This is lawfare and blatant election interference, and the American people know it.

That is why today I filed an official complaint with the Department of Justice’s Office of Professional

Pelham(@Resist_05) 's Twitter Profile Photo

AIPAC is spending upwards of $3,000,000 per year in bribe money to American politicians…

On average in 2024 Congress Members for Democrats received $40,000 each this year and Republicans $20,000…

AIPAC will spend upwards of $10,000,000 on political bribes this year to get

Sen. Marsha Blackburn(@MarshaBlackburn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just days ago, AOC praised Columbia University's leadership as 'fantastic.'

Convenient how radical Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are suddenly okay with protestors storming buildings.

Christopher Webb(@cwebbonline) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ICYMI — Washington state Republicans are batshit crazy.

They’re openly saying they don’t want to be a democracy, because it sounds too much like Democrat, the Party that they’re against. 🥴

Every time the word “democracy” is used favorably it serves to promote the principles

Glockford Files(@GlockfordFiles) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Antisemitic Marxist democrats are destroying Columbia University in NYC and no one is doing anything about it.

Welcome to Biden’s America.

Wall Street Silver(@WallStreetSilv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Unmarried women favor Democrats by a whopping 37%. Every other group favors Republicans ......

The cat ladies are literally ruining this country.

Unmarried women favor Democrats by a whopping 37%. Every other group favors Republicans ......

The cat ladies are literally ruining this country.
AJ Huber(@Huberton) 's Twitter Profile Photo


President Trump: “The whole thing is a HOAX. They're controlled by the White House. They're controlled by Democrat judges and prosecutors. They hate Trump.”

Donald Trump Jr.(@DonaldJTrumpJr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Judge Merchan is threatening to put my father in jail if he keeps telling the truth about this crooked trial. He doesn't want my father to be able to defend himself publicly against the lies coming from Alvin Bragg and the Democrats.

It's election interference to help Joe Biden.

Tulsi Gabbard 🌺(@TulsiGabbard) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I left the Democrat Party and its elitist cabal of woke warmongers behind...and am urging independent-minded Democrats who love our country and cherish peace and freedom to join me.

My new book is a wakeup call everyone needs to hear. Order yours today ⬇️

Citizen Free Press(@CitizenFreePres) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Elise Stefanik files an official complaint with the DOJ against Jack Smith:

'Democrats’ corrupt and desperate witch hunts against President Trump must come to an end. This is lawfare and blatant election interference and the American people know it.'
