Channel 4 Dispatches(@C4Dispatches) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“All I see is destruction.”

Hind Khoudary is a Palestinian journalist reporting from Gaza. Over 200 days, Hind and other Palestinian journalists filmed Israel’s military assault on the Gaza strip for a Channel 4 Dispatches special - made by basement films.

Sean(@shornKOOMINS) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tonight's on the barbaric carnage being unleashed on Gaza is unspeakably harrowing. Almost impossible viewing. Devastating. Good on Channel 4 for showing it.

Darren Grimes(@darrengrimes_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

THE BBC has apologised to Nigel Farage after he was branded “inflammatory” by a presenter. The presenter is Geeta Guru-Murthy, the sister of Krishnan Guru-Murthy of Channel 4 News, who was caught calling a Conservative MP a 'c**t'. Keeping it in the family in proving our public

MIKA(@mikasounds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Here is the moment we were introduced to Brad, an amateur pianist from Liverpool who grew up in foster care. It was one of many moving and inspiring moments we witnessed during our time in the city. 

Claudia Winkleman Lang The Piano

Edwin Hayward(@edwinhayward) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Pity. I quite like Clive Myrie. But this will be unwatchable for reasons so obvious, they're visible from the Moon...

Channel 4 it is for me, with a bit of dipping in and out of Sky News.

(News via the Guardian live politics blog.)

Pity. I quite like Clive Myrie. But this will be unwatchable for reasons so obvious, they're visible from the Moon...

Channel 4 it is for me, with a bit of dipping in and out of Sky News.

(News via the Guardian live politics blog.)
Farrukh(@implausibleblog) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Channel 4 News interview the Childcare company which has a connection to the Sunaks, that is encouraging people to vote Labour 😁

Rachel Carrell ends the interview saying 'We do what we think is right for the country'

Thomas Standfield(@TStandfield1789) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fat Mel Stride on Channel 4 News.
Still not prepared to apologise for the Tory Party smearing Angela Rayner.
A man of dishonour.
Mel Stride Conservatives
Not fit to be an MP.

Fat Mel Stride on Channel 4 News.
Still not prepared to apologise for the Tory Party smearing Angela Rayner.
A man of dishonour.
@MelJStride @Conservatives 
Not fit to be an MP.
David Collier(@mishtal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hind Khoudary:

1. Praised Islamic Jihad terrorists
2. Promoted Hezbollah's Nasrallah
3. Snitched & handed a Gazan peace activist to Hamas
4. Posted it's best to die a martyr (terrorist) with a gun
5. Said Palestinians should lie for the cause.

To Channel 4 she is a journalist:

Hind Khoudary:

1. Praised Islamic Jihad terrorists
2. Promoted Hezbollah's Nasrallah
3. Snitched & handed a Gazan peace activist to Hamas
4. Posted it's best to die a martyr (terrorist) with a gun
5. Said Palestinians should lie for the cause.

To Channel 4 she is a journalist:
Hillel Neuer(@HillelNeuer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Meet Hind Khoudary. Tonight she's a star reporter for Channel 4. She's also famous for having informed on Rami Aman & other Gaza peace activists, getting Hamas to arrest them for the crime of doing a zoom with Israeli peace activists. Shame on you Channel 4 Channel 4 Dispatches. 🧵🔽 /1

Meet Hind Khoudary. Tonight she's a star reporter for Channel 4. She's also famous for having informed on Rami Aman & other Gaza peace activists, getting Hamas to arrest them for the crime of doing a zoom with Israeli peace activists. Shame on you @Channel4 @C4Dispatches. 🧵🔽 /1
Farrukh(@implausibleblog) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Channel 4 News, 'Dianne Abbott was told by the inquiry in December that she had to do an anti semitism training course which she completed in February. And has heard nothing since'

'Labour MPs say they are upset by this.. One said this was nasty, spiteful factionalism'

teen of tuna🐟(@BRATTYBARBl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Obsessed with this unsuccessful Big Brother KitKat Golden Ticket holder begrudgingly cracking a smile after Davina read out her age live on Channel 4

Farrukh(@implausibleblog) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Channel 4 News report that food inflation is at 30% since 2019, and tax the highest since 1948

This is the legacy of the Conservative party

Channel 4 News(@Channel4News) 's Twitter Profile Photo

'He's [Sunak] like a used car salesman.'
Harvey Whitby, the former president of Birmingham Young Conservatives who defected to the Liberal Democrats, explains to Ayshah Tull his concerns about Sunak's national service scheme.

Natalie 🇵🇸(@lilhappyclouds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you’re not crying, appalled and furious at the devastation being inflicted on Palestine by Israel then I can only assume you’re dead inside.

Dispatches documentary on Channel 4 right now is showing the true evil nature of Netenyahu and the IDF.
