Bosco wilsin Tom Henderson That’ll be really nice considering the graphical leap, I don’t want ME5 to fail in any way. Really hoping it’s a GREAT game for everyone, fans and BioWare both.
Geralt of Normandy, School of the N7 Cohh Carnage BioWare Their current "artistic direction" is bankrupting the company and driving away the fanbase. Asking for it to be reverted to back when they were successful is the only sane thing to do. Or they could keep going the way they are, and watch ME5 be the final nail in the coffin.
Josh Hood 🍉 Bioware is definitly the one responsible for anthem. They tricked EA into thinking they were developing it with false updates and only actually worked on it for a year. I love bioware and despise EA but they are definitly the ones who screwed the pootch there
Stratton Cairo KishiSama騎士様🗡🛡🍊 Pirat_Nation 🔴 Same for BioWare.