♡(@2kimchwn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

when chaewon changed her pic and name to eunchae and posted “i farted” on weverse as part of her april fools joke. but then she forgot to delete it right away when she changed it back 🤣

when chaewon changed her pic and name to eunchae and posted “i farted” on weverse as part of her april fools joke. but then she forgot to delete it right away when she changed it back 🤣
liz 🐌(@jungmollusk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

it’s kinda concerning to me that no one else has realized haruto saying he left wakeone was an april fools joke…

mei ☁️(@shikamaji) 's Twitter Profile Photo

anyone remember the April fools prank shouto did where he dyed his hair the opposite way and no one fucking noticed 💀💀💀

anyone remember the April fools prank shouto did where he dyed his hair the opposite way and no one fucking noticed 💀💀💀
Luna💫(@Luna_MintTWT) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Toontown Clash toons after an hour of beating an april fools boss:

The High Roller respawning his clones again in the final phase:

set ☁️(@woaleos) 's Twitter Profile Photo

i clearly remember how much non-jaemin fansite posted this gma jaemin for april fools day. truly one of the history books
