Stephan Dombrowski
Health Psychologist at the University of New Brunswick interested in behaviour change interventions & public health. Also like Schalke, dogs & things like that.
ID: 79730012
04-10-2009 13:27:51
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Well done Rebecca Skinner for an excellent 3 minute thesis presentation! Great session, with excellent and talented PhD students across the faculties University of Stirling

A review of reviews can’t answer the question posed as the application of theory in studies wasn’t assessed. The problem with this approach is that many will draw wrong conclusion from this review by Stephan Dombrowski - who I admire!

Reducing delay in patients with acute coronary syndrome & other time-critical conditions: a systematic review to identify the #BCTs associated with effective interventions openheart.bmj.com/content/6/1/e0… Dr Barbara Farquharson Stephan Dombrowski Shaun Treweek Marie Johnston

Great to see our recent paper published ‘Using the theoretical domains framework to identify barriers and enabling factors to implementation of guidance for the diagnosis and management of NAFLD’ .Kate Hallsworth .Stephan Dombrowski .Stuart Mcpherson .Quentin M. Anstee. Teesside University .ICM Newcastle

'It's not a #diet, it's a #lifestyle': a longitudinal, data-prompted interview study of weight loss maintenance. (With working this time!) tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10… #evidence #openaccess Stephan Dombrowski Martin White 💙🇪🇺🇺🇦 Falko Sniehotta 🇪🇺🇩🇪🇬🇧🇵🇹

Who says you can’t start them young? Dr. Luseadra McKerracher Mary Barker Dr Sofia Strommer Stephan Dombrowski THIS is how you write a grant on the impt of preconception health and long term impacts....🤞

1/ Out today in Nature Human Behaviour: The compendium of self-enactable techniques to change and self-manage motivation & behaviour v.1.0. Thread follows.. nature.com/articles/s4156…

I think the very last paper from an extremely productive National Institute for Health and Care Research Programme Grant that started about 10 years ago. Stephan Dombrowski Vera Araujo-Soares 🇺🇦 Falko Sniehotta 🇪🇺🇩🇪🇬🇧🇵🇹 sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

Research just published in #BMCPublicHealth finds that peer pressure to drink more #alcohol is felt by all ages. Author Stephan Dombrowski presents five key lessons from the study in this blog ow.ly/YMoj50Arr78

Help us spread this survey about #LongTermCare across #NewBrunswick. #MoreThanAVisitor. Human Development Council Kaylee Moore Dave Stonehouse Stephan Dombrowski Nouzie - Your Online Newspaper New Brunswick Women's Council PLEIS NB NouLAB Sarah Bridges Samantha Fowler (she/her) David Coon

This model of preconception action phases outlines four phases individuals move through in relation to the goal to become a parent, highlighting features and intervention opportunities for each phase thelancet.com/journals/lance… Stephan Dombrowski Mary Barker

First reviewer report on our Int Behav Trials Research Prioritisation Project Protocol, great suggestions, thanks Stephan Dombrowski . Loving the new @HRBOpenResearch approach to disseminating and improving research quality hrbopenresearch.org/articles/1-11/…