Sarah Kocher
bees: behavior, ecology, evolution...science
ID: 2206059961
http://kocherlab.com 21-11-2013 01:52:20
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I’m excited to move my lab to Texas Tech U BiologicalSciencesTTU, where we’ll continue to study the genetic basis and evolution of social traits using social insects. I’ll be looking for a technician as well as PhD students and a postdoc. Please contact me if interested / please share.

We are hiring! We are looking for someone experienced in molecular biology to help manage our molecular lab and build genomic datasets to study the genetic and environmental factors that shape variation in social behavior. More here: research-princeton.icims.com/jobs/12777/sen…. Come join our team!

We’re recruiting graduate students this year! Are you interested in the genetic and ecological mechanisms that shape behavior? Consider a move to Princeton University to join our lab! kocherlab.com 🐝🧬🧠🧪 Please RT.

Let's hear it for the 2021-2022 NPA nationalpostdoc IMPACT Fellows!!! Dr. Brienna Anderson-Coughlin from Univ. of Delaware Dr. Kimiko Krieger from BCMHouston Tanya Paes Raul Rodriguez @AnyaTallon z yan wang

Congratulations Beryl Jones ! Anyone looking for a great opportunity to study the genomics of social behavior — the Jones lab is going to be one to keep an eye on!!

If you are a graduate student or postdoc, consider coming a couple days early for the GRS organized by Midwest Squidwest & @annabazzicalupo! grc.org/ecological-and…

Are you graduating soon and interested in genetic conflict, chromosomes, and/or the early embryo? The Levine Lab Penn Biology Penn Epigenetics Penn Center for Genome Integrity is hiring postdocs and technicians. Please get in touch to learn more. And please retweet! 🙏 #Dros23

📢 Full program is out!! 📢 The Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics Gordon Research Conferences is going to be such an absolute treat! Don't miss the talk abstract deadline on ✨April 23✨ - all submitted posters are eligible! grc.org/ecological-and…

New paper Current Biology Orchid bees are best known for their perfume concocting behavior. Males acquire volatile compounds from the environment to use in courtship. However, the function of these chemical bouquets has remained unknown, until now! cell.com/current-biolog… 🧵

Only 40 spots left to attend the Gordon Research Conferences on Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics in July/August! Apply soon to join us for 5 days of exciting science!

🚨EEB Princeton University has multiple positions in ecology, evolution, and/or behavior--no restriction on research focus or rank! It's that broad because so are we. Check the ad: princeton.edu/acad-positions… ⏰ Q&A webinar THIS Wed 10/04, 12 EDT princeton.zoom.us/s/95659402367 Please share widely!!