SAVE THE GIRL CHILD FOUNDATION UGANDA (@savethegirls) 's Twitter Profile


SAVE THE GIRL CHILD FOUNDATION UGANDA is a Community Based Organization and a National Non-Governmental Organization focusing on uplifting the girl child.

ID: 1143500989988769792

link calendar_today25-06-2019 12:47:36

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137 Following

United Nations (@un) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Women are facing unique challenges during the #COVID19 pandemic. UN Women is working to mitigate the impact of #coronavirus on women and girls & ensure that the long-term recovery takes into account their needs.…

UN SDG Action Campaign (@sdgaction) 's Twitter Profile Photo

💙 Presenting the 50 selected #SolidarityinAction stories👏 Fundraisers, 💻 platforms, donating essentials to frontliners... As we navigate #COVID19, individuals & orgs have been working to support communities & look toward recovery ➡️ #SDGawards #HLPF

CARE ( (@care) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Decision-making bodies in the response to #COVID19 must include greater representation and leadership by those most impacted including women, particularly women of color, and those on the frontlines. New report:

Decision-making bodies in the response to #COVID19 must include greater representation and leadership by those most impacted including women, particularly women of color, and those on the frontlines. New report:
UN Women (@un_women) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On #MandelaDay, let us honour #NelsonMandela’s legacy and join activists around the world who are fighting for equality. 🖤

SAVE THE GIRL CHILD FOUNDATION UGANDA (@savethegirls) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#SpeakUp #Timeisnow #Share with us your story on #rape #defilement #sexualabuse #harassment #childabuse and we might help to bring #justicetoyou

#SpeakUp #Timeisnow
#Share with us your story on #rape #defilement #sexualabuse #harassment #childabuse and we might help to bring #justicetoyou
Run for a Girl Child (@run4agirlchild) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Drawing is the artist's most direct and spontaneous expression. #SevaBharathi #KishoriVikas #RunForAGirlChild #Seva4All #GirlPower #PencilDrawing #Creativity

Drawing is the artist's most direct and spontaneous expression. 
#SevaBharathi #KishoriVikas #RunForAGirlChild #Seva4All #GirlPower #PencilDrawing #Creativity