Saunders Secondary
Saunders Secondary School, London ON. Home of the Sabres! School Colours RED and GOLD: Red for Passion, Heart, Hard Work & Gold for Excellence, Success!!
ID: 605924371
12-06-2012 01:54:01
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Murals by the grade 12’s at Saunders Secondary are officially finished! A big thank-you to Jordan Hough and Usama Elmahalawy for their creative designs and hard work! Thames Valley DSB #tvdsbarts #mural

Thames Valley DSB new credit in person summer school Hospitality and Tourism class cooking up a storm for the Saunders Secondary summer welding tech camp! Students loving learning at its finest! Proud moments in the Valley!

Shoutout to our incredible students and SHSM leads & all the @tvdsb educators running Tech Camps this summer. Checkout Saunders Secondary “Mind Over Metal Summer Welding” with talented Mr. Gerrits and team!

Congratulations Saunders Secondary senior boys volleyball - Fanshawe tournament champs - Go Sabres!!!

Saunders Secondary building relationships and understanding with First Nations community speakers and student participation #tvdsb cbc.ca/news/canada/lo…

Saunders HPE teacher is "walking the walk" and inspiring so many Sabres this weekend. Mrs. MacLachlan is at the Ironman World Championships in Hawaii. We are so proud of you. @tvdsb Saunders Secondary #excellencecommunityunity #levelupatsaunders #highperformance #yougotthis

PHOTOS: The Saunders Sabres played host to the Laurier Rams in TVRA senior girls high school basketball on Monday. Mike Hensen was there: tinyurl.com/v9x7fnet #ldnont

Congratulations Saunders Secondary Jr Boys volleyball Medway tournament champs- Go Sabres!

Saunders is having their Open House early this year due to Shrek, concerts, and many more amazing events at the school. All Future Sabre families are welcome. #excellencecommunityleadership #nextlevelopportunities Saunders Secondary Thames Valley DSB

Saunders Secondary boys volleyball goes 2 for 2 this weekend as the Seniors win their home tournament- Go Sabres!!!

PHOTOS: Banting played Saunders Tuesday in a battle between two of the top high school teams in TVRA Central’s top tier. Mike Hensen was there to catch the action: tinyurl.com/yxwdnfyr #ldnont

Saunders Tour Day #2 Westmount, Byron Somerset, Byron Northview, Byron Southwood and Delaware Central have a day of energy and fun activities. WestmountPS Byron Northview Byron Southwood Delaware Central PS Thames Valley DSB Saunders Secondary #excellence #community #leadership

Saunder Kinesiology students are having fun dissecting today! Thames Valley DSB Saunders Secondary #excellence #community #leadership

What an inspiring opportunity for Saunders Secondary Arts & Culture #SHSM to learn from artist #Mediah. Shoutout to the incredible educators & industry partners for going above and beyond to support students. Thank you!! Thames Valley DSB