satheesh gangadharan
ID: 298559703
14-05-2011 14:44:23
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If you would like to be part of a great team please consider. jobs.nhs.uk/xi/vacancy/917… Professor Rohit Shankar Samuel Tromans Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust

Exciting research (human-centred AI for people with learning disabilities and multiple long term conditions) next 2.5 yrs with a great team! Georgina Cosma Satheesh kumar Gangadharan Cecilia Landa-Ávila

We hope our research project DECODE using artificial intelligence and lived experience of people with LD will shape how people with a learning disability and long-term conditions are supported in the UK and beyond. Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust LPT Research Team Thomas Jun lboro.ac.uk/media-centre/p…

Using Artificial Intelligence to improve the health and wellbeing of people with learning disabilities - Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust leicspart.nhs.uk/news/using-art… LPT Research Team

Very pleased to see the work in Agnes unit acknowledged by LPT. Gold award in Quality accreditation. A great team work but Clare Pope as matron worked her socks off to make this happen. Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust

Such an important topic. Please attend and participate in the discussion by emailing [email protected]

🥳 Ten 5-star reviews in 7 days🎉 Awesome job by Jack Needham (NHS Pension Specialist) & team👏 Finding & fixing #NHSpension errors Projecting benefits & helping members understand their pension (inc. McCloud & partial retirement) NHS pension report & Teams call - £650+VAT medifintech.co.uk/register

Journey of Akshadhaa, published in the Journal of Psychosocial rehabilitation and mental health (Springer). Santosh Chaturvedi linkedin.com/posts/satheesh… Akshadhaa was recognised recently as a trusted not for profit organisation.

very nice to see our dedicated PPIE (people with learning disability and thier carers) getting the attentiion they desrve. Alix is a star. Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust LPT Research Team Regi Alexander Professor Rohit Shankar