Sarah Ellis (@sarahellis_1) 's Twitter Profile
Sarah Ellis


K9 🐶 enthusiast and Student Equity advocate @UTSSocialImpact. Working to widen participation of underrepresented groups in Higher Ed. She/her.

ID: 1016071074818093056

calendar_today08-07-2018 21:26:36

157 Tweet


207 Following

Sarah Ellis (@sarahellis_1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Calling high school teachers 📢📢 We are hiring for our U@Uni Academy Winter School program in Business, Science and Engineering & IT. Applications close 17 April!

Sarah Ellis (@sarahellis_1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Making use of our UTS Social Justice Leave today with OzHarvest. As a team, we helped pack hundreds of emergency food relief hampers to maximise their social impact in the community. Now back to kicking #studentequity goals Social Justice UTS

Making use of our <a href="/UTSEngage/">UTS</a> Social Justice Leave today with <a href="/OzHarvest/">OzHarvest</a>. As a team, we helped pack hundreds of emergency food relief hampers to maximise their social impact in the community. Now back to kicking #studentequity goals <a href="/UTSSocialImpact/">Social Justice UTS</a>
ACSES (@acsesedu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ICYMI: These four staff guides from Nicole Crawford include practical implications and top tips on #HigherEd student equity, as well as links to useful resources on supporting students' mental and academic wellbeing.…

ICYMI: These four staff guides from <a href="/NLCrawfordTas/">Nicole Crawford</a> include practical implications and top tips on #HigherEd student equity, as well as links to useful resources on supporting students' mental and academic wellbeing.…
Julie Nguyen (@_msnguyen_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Late upload but had the best time at UTS for the U@Uni Academy Winter School. Not only did I get to work with the Media Faculty, I also got to witness some of our Year 11 students experience the life of a University student for a week. Social Justice UTS Punchbowl Boys' High School

Late upload but had the best time at UTS for the U@Uni Academy Winter School. Not only did I get to work with the Media Faculty, I also got to witness some of our Year 11 students experience the life of a University student for a week. <a href="/UTSSocialImpact/">Social Justice UTS</a> <a href="/pbhsofficial/">Punchbowl Boys' High School</a>
Verity Firth (@verityfirth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A low ATAR does not mean poor performance at university - my piece in tomorrow’s Sydney Morning Herald. #highered #studentequity Jason Clare MP…

NSW Secondary Principals' Council (@nswspc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A low ATAR does not mean poor performance at university… A great piece by Verity Firth SPC is proud to be part of the U@Uni Academy Expert Reference Group and applauds efforts to improve equity of access to education. UTS Arts & Social Sciences 💧Lila Mularczyk OAM JP FACE FACEL💗🌈 Jason Clare MP

Prairiewood HS (@prairiewoodhigh) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are proud to be associated with the UTS U@Uni program. We see it as widening opportunities & aspiration. Hat tip to all associated with this program 🎩 🎩 🎩

Rayan Merkbawi (@drrmerkbawi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

UTS Business School is about making impact! We are collaboratively investing knowledge and creating opportunities for Western and Southwestern Sydney highschoolers! Fantastic session by the Dean Carl Rhodes and head of Management Bronwen Dalton

<a href="/UTS_Business/">UTS Business School</a> is about making impact! We are collaboratively investing knowledge and creating opportunities for Western and Southwestern Sydney highschoolers! Fantastic session by the Dean <a href="/ProfCarlRhodes/">Carl Rhodes</a> and head of Management <a href="/bronwendalton1/">Bronwen Dalton</a>
Sarah Ellis (@sarahellis_1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Upcoming event 🔔Western Sydney leaders including hajeh Maha Krayem Abdo, Jihad Dib MP and @DrJamalRifi will join the UTS Business School School to discuss how universities can address social equality and inclusion in areas of Western Sydney. Register for free below:

Social Justice UTS (@utssocialimpact) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join the expert panel including Verity Firth, discussing the next phase of the Australian Universities Accord. The panellists will share the recommendations made, and what they mean for the sector. Date: July 20 Time: 12.30pm–2:30pm Register:

Join the expert panel including <a href="/VerityFirth/">Verity Firth</a>, discussing the next phase of the Australian Universities Accord. The panellists will share the recommendations made, and what they mean for the sector.

Date: July 20
Time: 12.30pm–2:30pm
Sarah Ellis (@sarahellis_1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

UTS has launched our Financial Inclusion Action Plan (FIAP) Statement of Commitment. Thanks to all staff and students who provided feedback during the recent working group consultation phase. Let the next stages of the consultation begin! Read more here:

UTS has launched our Financial Inclusion Action Plan (FIAP) Statement of Commitment.
Thanks to all staff and students who provided feedback during the recent working group consultation phase. Let the next stages of the consultation begin! 
Read more here: