(((Dr. Sarah Kaplan))) (she/hers)
Prof @rotmanschool. Author: bestseller "Creative Destruction" & "The 360° Corporation: From Stakeholder Trade-offs to Transformation." Director @GenderEconomy
ID: 435535623
https://sarahkaplan.info/ 13-12-2011 05:08:24
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GATE Director (((Dr. Sarah Kaplan))) (she/hers) speaks to Globalnews.ca about the ‘tightrope’ women walk in politics. #GenderEquity globalnews.ca/news/9502927/w…
GATE Director (((Dr. Sarah Kaplan))) (she/hers) speaks to BBC Worklife about bias, recognizing it, and taking action to promote inclusivity and equity in the workplace. #DiversityAndInclusion bbc.com/worklife/artic…
New Executive Summary episode alert! Join Institute for Gender and the Economy's (((Dr. Sarah Kaplan))) (she/hers) and Carmina as they discuss creating a fair work-from-home policy that benefits everyone. Listen now → www-2.rotman.utoronto.ca/insightshub/ta….
We are partnering with Rotman School's Executive Programs to offer a course on Inclusion by Design (May 2-May 11). Led by Sonia Kang & other GATE-affiliated researchers, this course is for anyone looking to recruit and lead diverse teams! Learn more at: rotman.utoronto.ca/ProfessionalDe…
GATE Director (((Dr. Sarah Kaplan))) (she/hers) speaks to The Globe and Mail about gender-diverse leadership and the need to jolt the system with deliberate and meaningful changes. #GenderEquity theglobeandmail.com/business/rob-m…
We're excited to introduce Joy Anderson, founder & president of Criterion Institute , as our panelist at the Gender Analytics: Possibilities (GA:P) conference! Join us to learn more about gender based analyses and creating inclusive contracts. Tickets: thegapconference.com/tickets
On Sept 28, GATE Director (((Dr. Sarah Kaplan))) (she/hers) spoke before the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology regarding the role of gender-based analysis plus in the policy process. Check out the full report to learn more! #cdnpoli #GBAPlus
What does more inclusive government policy look like? How does using behavioural interventions play in? Join us at the GA:P conference where we'll be joined by Dilip Soman 🇨🇦 on this insightful panel discussion along with other exciting panelists! thegapconference.com