My favorite Tom Brady moment didn’t happen on a football field.
My Dad is my hero but Tom Brady is also a hero of mine. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted to root for in an athlete. I’m lucky that I got to watch him play for over 20 years of my life. #GOAT
Hearing Michael talk about his struggles with dating after losing his wife broke me. He’s so optimistic and in tune with his emotions. Absolutely love him
Romeo literally gives me the yuckiest vibes ever and I can’t put my finger on it. Idk if it’s his voice? His demeanor ? Everything? But literally makes me gag
If you grew up walking on eggshells, someone walking into a room, a door slamming, or someone raising their voice can send your entire body into fight or flight. The body remembers, even when the mind can't recall.
Jeremy Clarkson apologised to Prince Harry about a sexually violent article he wrote about his wife.
Meghan Markle — the actual victim — who Clarkson wanted stripped naked, shamed in the street and excrement thrown at, received no direct apology.
Make it make sense.
I have conflicting feelings about this NO SEX rule.…. if it was a woman lead & men saying “we’ll see” - we’d be mad. At the same time Zach shouldn’t set a boundary he doesn’t 100% intend to keep. Maybe he did tho & the women didn’t respect it? Idk #TheBachelor
I’ll say it. This was one of the worst handled situations in bachelor history. Every single girl in that top three was fucked over by the way this was handled. ESPECIALLY Gabi. Like this is so painful to watch #TheBachelor