ID: 1283718879324315649
16-07-2020 11:03:37
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Stay Fierce Je Suis Artsakh Aydaaaaaa. Deli oluram Allah haqqı Manyaksan sən?? Bunlar erməni deyil. Azərbaycan uşaqlarıdır. Sən öldürmüsen. Cəzasını çəkməlisiniz. Xalqın qatildir.
Arzu Jaeed Həbib Müntəzir Stop terror BBC_HaveYourSay @cnn The New York Times
12. 공식적으로 아제르바이잔에 살고 있는 아르메니아인은 3만명인데 아르메니아에는 아제르바이잔인이 한 명도 살고 있지 않습니다. 누가 공격자입니까? JTBC 뉴스 Moon Jae-in's Cheong Wa Dae 대한민국국회 The Korea Times #아르메니아는유엔결의를무시하고있습니다 #stoparmenianaggression #Bardacity
Anush Ghavalyan Samvel Shahramanyan | Artsakh President No, it’s not. For you, this is a fight for another country’s land, fight for your nationalistic, expansionist ideology based on false history and sense of greatness. You’re invaders and you’re on the wrong side of justice. Wake up and stop sending your sons to death for nothing!