Safe Schools realizes the importance of a safe and supportive school climate. Department emphasis is to provide behavioral and emotional supports for students
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https://www.palmbeachschools.org/departments/safe_schools 22-06-2020 16:53:40
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Today and everyday our West Gate Elementary stand and lift each other by doing acts of kindness! Even our SAC members 👏📷#BeKindPBC @selpbc The School District of Palm Beach County #ShiningStarPBC TeamPalmBeach Thank you Ms. Espino and Ms. Posner Elizabeth Grochan Mr. Blanco Claudia Mejias Solymar Figueroa

The School District of Palm Beach County On Kindness Day students Hagen Road learned about love and kindness from Holocaust Survivor Miss Evelyn. #KindnessMatters

"REPRESENTING" Anti-bullying All The Way!! Wear Pink Day!! #AntiBullying #WearPinkDay #PublicSchoolsWeek #ShiningStarPBC The School District of Palm Beach County TeamPalmBeach Watkins Seminoles Dr. Presley Charles

Pink Shirt Day! 👚💕 4th grade stands up against bullying! Loxahatchee Groves The School District of Palm Beach County

Pink Shirt Day to Promote Anti-Bullying! Administration encouraged everyone to “Lift Each Other Up” and practice kindness by wearing pink on February 28 to show bullying will not be tolerated! John I. Leonard High School (Official) The School District of Palm Beach County Distrito Escolar PBC

Lancer County rocked Pink Shirt Day, standing tall against bullying in a sea of pink! #PinkShirtDay 💕 The School District of Palm Beach County CentralRegionPBCSD KW

EPA substitute Ms. Martin wore pink today to celebrate “Lift Everyone Up” Day FLCharterSchAlliance FL Charter Parent Education Fdn of PBC Florida PBIS Florida Department of Education Latinostudies2

Rosenwald Elementary Wearing Pink to show we are Standing up to Bullying and Promoting Kindness! #StopBullying #PinkShirtDay Nila Seales Deidra Harris Joy Chosen McDonald The Glades Region Nakia The School District of Palm Beach County

Today’s Pink Shirt Day event at DVES was amazing ✨ Huge thanks to our PBIS team for the Kindness presentation. PBISTrulyMatters @diomedis_cruse Keith Oswald The School District of Palm Beach County Melanie Lobeto

Student bullying presentations help sustain the school's bullying prevention efforts. Thank you, JC Mitchell, for inviting us to present to your students. @diomedis_cruse Keith Oswald The School District of Palm Beach County

Thank you Tempie Craven and Dr. Joaquín García High School for graciously welcoming us into your beautiful space to host our first ever PBIS Summit for Enhancing School Culture. You guys are awesome!

Bullying presentation for our kindergarten & 1st grade students this morning at JC Mitchell Elementary reminding them to always be kind ✨ @diomedis_cruse Melanie Lobeto Keith Oswald The School District of Palm Beach County

Today, we discussed bullying prevention with the aftercare students at Palmetto Panthers. Let’s create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels respected and valued. #BullyingPrevention #KindnessMatters #Inclusion @diomedis_cruse Melanie Lobeto Keith Oswald The School District of Palm Beach County

Empowering students to stand up against bullying is crucial! 🚀 Let's teach kindness, empathy, and inclusivity early on to create a safe and supportive school community. Together, we can make a difference! Monica Anthony Dana Pallaria @diomedis_cruse Melanie Lobeto #BullyingPrevention

So many amazing guest speakers and presenters shared their expertise. Special thanks to Safe Schools Director Melissa Patterson and Chief of Equity & Wellness Keith Oswald for their support and leadership. SafeSchools_PBC MPatterson Keith Oswald The School District of Palm Beach County

District collaboration for PBIS implementation decreases office discipline referrals, exclusionary practices, and equitable discipline practices. SafeSchools_PBC MPatterson Keith Oswald @diomedis_cruse Michael Kanusky

Stop Bullying assembly taught our Ss so much Waters Edge Elementary ! Engaging & empowering! Thank you Melanie Lobeto from SafeSchools_PBC! #yourfavoritewestbocaschool #owlproud #educateaffirminspire Krystella Wyant-Ramkhalawan Waters Edge Elementary SouthRegionPBCSD Alicia Steiger