Securing Antarctica's Environmental Future
We are a collaborative research program dedicated to securing Antarctica's environmental future. Funded by @arc_gov_au as a Special Research Initiative.
ID: 1293052176093323268
https://arcsaef.com/ 11-08-2020 05:12:22
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The Australian climate research community has adopted the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model to couple with Australian Earth System Simulator (ACCESS-NRI). SAEF's Dr Felicity McCormack co-led the selection process & highlighted how coupling the models will improve sea level projections. access-nri.org.au/access-ice-she…

Scientists have reconstructed 400 yrs of 🌊ocean temperatures from 🪸coral cores. The results chronicle how recent heat extremes & mass coral bleaching events on the #GreatBarrierReef are unprecedented in the past 400 yrs. Ben Henley Helen McGregor ➡️ arcsaef.com/story/new-400-…

SAEF PhD students Madi, Naomi, Noemie and Sam attended the Beaker Street Festival in Hobart this weekend. As part of the Roving Scientists program, the students—who are experts in sub-Antarctic plants & invertebrates—chatted with visitors about science & all things Antarctic.

So proud of Caitlin Selfe for her research on #paleoclimate being showcased by TMAG in new the #Antarctic exhibition launched w Beaker Street . As always it was a privilege to chat with Sir GuyGreen - Antarctic Patron about the SubAntarctic Securing Antarctica's Environmental Future QUT ANSTO

Thanks for the kind words and for sharing our study and its implications David Pocock. Been working on this for 5+ years, watching mass bleaching events come and go. I hope our work feeds into international efforts to amplify the Paris Agreement.

🎧 Listen in to Professor Sharon Robinson AM on Antarctic moss! She recently recorded a conversation with Plant Kingdom about the incredible and fragile #moss ecosystems in #Antarctica. podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/11-…

Our new paper on Key Biodiversity Areas in the Southern Ocean led by Sarah Becker & Cassandra Brooks University of Colorado, Boulder Student Government is now out! Using seabird & seal tracking data from 13 spp we identify 30 KBAs for SO spatial planning & in the High Seas! 🐧🦭🇦🇶Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) #RAATD IUCN Protected and Conserved Areas #HighSeas

The SCAR Open Science Conference has commenced in Pucón, Chile. SAEF Deputy Director Professor Sharon Robinson AM spoke at the Opening Ceremony and highlighted the importance of interdisciplinary research. #SCAR2024

Poster presentation @SCAR2024 on #realtime #monitoring of change in remote #Antarctic ecosystems w/ Dr Johan Barthelemy NVIDIA Securing Antarctica's Environmental Future UOW Research NVIDIA Asia Pacific

And of course the latest on Antarctic plant ecophysiology. Great talks from Securing Antarctica's Environmental Future Dr Krystal Randall & Gustavo Zuniga describing how plants make their own microclimates and are reacting to the changing climate

Sally Lau kicked off the SCAR CHILE 2024 conference with a plenary focused on using genomics to inform ice sheet history. Amazing talk! #scar2024 Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Securing Antarctica's Environmental Future MarineOmics James Cook Uni 🧬🇦🇶🐙🧬