Rosario “Russ” Colombo, MD, FACC
Medical Director @jacksonhealth | Assoc Program Dir @UMJMHCardiology | Affil Asst Prof, Dept of Med Ed @univmiami | Cardio Pathway Dir @UmJmhIMRes | he/him
ID: 1145881747957137408
https://jacksonhealth.org/medical-group/physicians/colombo/ 02-07-2019 02:27:52
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Congrats to our first year UMCardiology Fellows fellow Dr. Julio Santana & team for publishing this fascinating imaging case report in CV Case Journal 🫀 cvcasejournal.com/article/S2468-…

Way to go Jose L. Lopez, MD 🙌🏼💪🏼✌🏼

Hands-on TTE training with our first year UMCardiology Fellows fellows and stellar sonographer Armando as part of our orientation bootcamp series #echofirst 🫀

🔥🔥🔥Practical Guidance for Hemodynamic Assessment by Right Heart Catheterization in Management of HF. EVERYTHING you need to know: pearls, pitfalls, calculations, scenarios incl. pts with LVAD- THE art of RHC. Outstanding review! JACC Journals #JACCHF jacc.org/doi/10.1016/j.…

Full house at our Cardiology Resident Pathway orientation day! 🤓 Thrilled to welcome our new University of Miami Internal Medicine Residency PGY2 class & also share our program of structured mentorship & unique academic/clinical experiences in cardiology to interested interns and Miller Medicine students 🫀

⏰Grateful for the opportunity to comment on the evolving landscape of CV🫀 risk assessment in JAMA with mentors 🔥 Chiadi Ndumele Seth Martin Link: jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/… What a wonderful study by James Diao Rishi Wadhera, MD MPP et al! Link: jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/…

🔴 Pericardial Diseases: International Position Statement JACC Journals #CardioEd #Cardiology #CardioTwitter

Recognition of preshock or early CS states is important to facilitate early identification, to guide appropriate triage and to enable prompt interventions aimed at delaying or preventing the onset of overt CS. bit.ly/3zeRsQn #JACCHF Sid M. Patel TIMI Study Group