Ruairí Casey
Irish, journalist - work with @reuters @latimes @foreignpolicy @cnni @ajenglish @cjr @vicenews @irishtimes. ruairieoincasey at gmail
ID: 517795448
https://www.ruairicasey.com/ 07-03-2012 17:45:51
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I wrote for The New Statesman about why the vote for the AfD reflects Europe-wide trends and not just the cultural idiosyncrasies of former East Germany newstatesman.com/world/europe/2…

For Sidecar, Loren Balhorn (Loren Balhorn) on the elections in Thuringia: 'Wagenknecht’s rhetoric makes many on the left bristle, but has it at least succeeded in taking some wind out of the AfD’s sails? Thus far, the answer seems to be no.' newleftreview.org/sidecar/posts/…

Seit Monaten tötet Israels Militär gezielt palästinensische Journalist:innen in Gaza. Int Medien haben keinen Zugang, Berichte übernehmen oft unkritisch Infos des Militärs. Die Situation ist untragbar. Deshalb habe ich diesen offenen Brief mitunterzeichnet …zajournalistenschuetzen.wordpress.com