Rowan Fae
Producer & Director interworking dance, circus & theatre. I do freelance, mess around with technology @PMstudioUK and am Artistic Director @fulltiltaerial
ID: 499847449
http://www.fulltiltaerial.com 22-02-2012 15:01:28
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Amazing performance of #TheAwakening by #CieGratteCiel Coventry UK City of Culture 2021 what a finale, absolutely brilliant!!

My little one LOVED Refik Anadol #MachineMemoir #Space The Reel Store UK Coventry UK City of Culture 2021

Spectacularly beautiful end to the evening as #WithinWithout transformed Trinity Church Stockton International Riverside Festival (SIRF) #SIRF

1/2 Shame on you B&NES Council for affixing a notice onto my TAXED vehicle. “Due to the Condition we suspect it has been abandoned” this is #Discrimination #SocialCleansing It’s 2022 people!!! My van has EVERY right to be there as much as the next persons.

The council officer from the ‘cleansing department’ B&NES Council should have run a vehicle check and then LEFT! Yea it doesn’t have an MOT but it is Taxed and therefore legally allowed to occupy a parking space near my house. #SocialCleansing more like #Discrimination