Jonathan Edelstein (@rootedcosmopol4) 's Twitter Profile
Jonathan Edelstein


The artist formerly known as Transit of Ganymede. Yes, that's what's in the photo. Speculative fiction, photography, history, and sometimes still Covid.

ID: 1447895092052770824

calendar_today12-10-2021 12:01:11

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Jonathan Edelstein (@rootedcosmopol4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Rank the current Supreme Court justices from favorite to least favorite. 1. Sotomayor 2. Jackson [small gap] 3. Kagan [moderate gap] 4. Roberts [gap] 5. Kavanaugh 6. Gorsuch 7. ACB [gap in which universes disappear and eldritch gods stride rampant] 8. Thomas 9. Alito

Jonathan Edelstein (@rootedcosmopol4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Lizards are rarely seen in Queens (or anywhere in NYC), but here's an Italian Wall Lizard doing just fine in an American wall. They were accidentally introduced on Long Island in the 1960s and, every now and then, they remind you they're here. Queens and L.I. Bird Alert

Lizards are rarely seen in Queens (or anywhere in NYC), but here's an Italian Wall Lizard doing just fine in an American wall. They were accidentally introduced on Long Island in the 1960s and, every now and then, they remind you they're here.  <a href="/BirdQueens/">Queens and L.I. Bird Alert</a>
Jonathan Edelstein (@rootedcosmopol4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How it started/how it's going: Baisley Pond Park cygnets in May and today. All five have survived and are starting to make the transition to adulthood. Queens and L.I. Bird Alert

How it started/how it's going: Baisley Pond Park cygnets in May and today.  All five have survived and are starting to make the transition to adulthood. <a href="/BirdQueens/">Queens and L.I. Bird Alert</a>