Roisin Barr
Clinical Lead Pelvic Health Physiotherapist @ImperialNHS all thoughts and views my own
ID: 482537148
04-02-2012 01:20:07
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Really enjoyed presenting these Pan London Maternity network videos at POGP Study Day 2022 alongside Colette Pollard and Ena Ankutse đź’™. Videos available nationwide on youtube and on myhealthlondon website below

Are you pregnant? Do you know how to look after your pelvic floor?? No?? Ok, if you are having your baby at St. Thomas’ come and join us! #pelvicfloorolympics #pelvicfloor #pregnancy Guy's and St Thomas' GSTT Pelvic Floor South East London ICS National Maternity Voices LGT Bladder, bowel & pelvic health

We advertising for both a substantive and fixed term (Band 7) Team Lead MSK Physiotherapists at Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust. Come and join this exciting and progressive team Imperial NHS 💙 beta.jobs.nhs.uk/candidate/joba… imperial.nhs.uk/careers/search… Closing date is: 16/02/2023

POGP have opened the first applications for the Ruth Hawkes Early Career Award – deadline for applicants July 31st. Your chance to get a place on 3 introductory Pelvic Health POGP courses Chartered Society of Physiotherapy @ACPBrunel pelvicroar #lifelonglearning #getaheadstart ow.ly/8QyF50MMncR

We have exciting opportunities for both substantive and fixed term (Band 6) Rotational MSK Physiotherapists Imperial NHS 💙 beta.jobs.nhs.uk/candidate/joba… imperial.nhs.uk/careers/search… Closing date is: 26/02/2023 23:59 Come and join a fantastic team constantly pushing the boundaries.

If you are currently having physiotherapy treatment for pelvic girdle pain - please sign up to this study to share your views on the care you are receiving Emma C Paula Igualada-Martinez Emma Brockwell The Mummy MOT®️ Mumsnet

We have a wonderful opportunity to join our enthusiastic pelvic health physiotherapy team Imperial NHS 💙 as a Band 8a Clinical Specialist on a 1 year FTC jobs.nhs.uk/candidate/joba… Imperial People 💙 Nic Pugh Chris Flatt Charlotte Allanby Donna Kennedy POGP Caroline Alexander

The POGP podcast is live! Virginia Rivers Bulkeley & Biljana Kennaway in conversation with luciaberryphysio & Marie fell. “Pulling pelvic health physio out of the broom cupboard”. Exploring the design & delivery of the new NHS England Perinatal Pelvic Health Services ow.ly/y2PE50PKy1f

GPs have unique insight into short & long-term impacts of mode of birth. The Plan-A study team would love to get your perspective! Please consider volunteering for interview for this National Institute for Health and Care Research aiming to improve birth planning in routine antenatal care. Retweet pls GPs Championing Perinatal Care