Rob Kitchin
Professor @MaynoothUni. Author: Digital Timescapes, Data Lives, Slow Computing, and The Data Revolution 2e, @robkitchin.bsky.social @[email protected]
ID: 476878198
https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/people/rob-kitchin 28-01-2012 15:58:23
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New paper with Audrey Kobayashi. We return to geography's 1970s relevance debates to make the case for a scholar policy activist impact agenda. The 1970s - what a Belle Époque for Geography!!! Its all there!! With esp thanks to Heike Jons/Stephen Legg. sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

New OA paper: 'Digital twins and deep maps' with VirtualArchitectures in Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers: doi.org/10.1111/tran.1…

Please share. 18 month RA position in Maynooth Geography working on the JUSTHOUSING project led by patrick bresnihan - focus on housing and with emphasis on spatial data / analytics for this role. my.corehr.com/pls/nuimrecrui…

OA book chapter. "Performing critical data studies from the inside: Working with government to change data regimes". In 'Collaborative Research in the Datafied Society' eds Mirko Tobias Schäfer 🇪🇺 gastev 🐘 social, Karin van Es & Tracey P. Lauriault pub Amsterdam Univ Press. Access library.oapen.org/bitstream/hand…

As the IGC draws nearer, we want you to meet some of the Local Organising Committee who've worked to make #igc2024dub happen 🇮🇪 Here's UCD Geography's Prof 🇺🇦 Niamh Moore Cherry, discussing her research, her work as part of IGUurban, and her hopes for IGC 2024, which she's chairing 🌍

We’re delighted to be jointly hosting a keynote address with Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) from Prof. Rob Kitchin on ‘Digital twins, deep maps and the nature of mapping’ 🗺️ We’re very excited to connect to our colleagues in London at 2:30pm on 28th Aug - join us for this milestone event! 🇮🇪🇬🇧

Research Ethics in Researching Digital Life. OA chapter by James Ash, agnieszka leszczynski and Rob Kitchin. An overview of key issues and practical advice mural.maynoothuniversity.ie/18774/

So proud of event happening now. Vision was to bring Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) conference in London together with #igc2024dub in Dublin. Rob Kitchin presenting in Dublin and streamed to London; two discussants in London streamed to Dublin! Q&A from both audiences.🤲 #celebratingaworldofdifference

Book review forum alert: Rob Kitchin's Digital Timescapes sees 4 reviews from Ayona Datta, Benjamin Jacobsen, Samuel Kinsley, and Judy Wajcman, along with an author's response by Rob himself. Check it out!

Peeking over Dariusz Wojcik shoulder to crib notes as discussant of the Atlas of Finance - you'll not find a more visually attractive geography book this year