Robin Nusslock
Professor @Northwestern. All things psychology & neuroscience
ID: 2393750642
http://acnlnorthwestern.com 17-03-2014 04:26:08
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In our new Annual Review paper for Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry we extend Neuroimmune Network models of mental and physical health to generate a developmental framework to help understand the high rates of depression onset during adolescence acamh.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.11…

Ever wonder how people's brains differ from one another? ➡️ Individual differences in 🧠 organization commonly come in 2 forms: shifts in borders & 'ectopic intrusions' far from expected locations Now out in Nature Neuroscience, led by Ally Dworetsky rdcu.be/dGeIp 🧵soon!

My four Nicod lectures (from December 2023) are now online here: Lecture I: Modularity of Mind and Brain and the Case of the FFA savoirs.ens.fr/expose.php?id=… Lecture II: What Other Mental Functions get Their Own Private Patch of Real Estate in the Brain ? savoirs.ens.fr/expose.php?id=… ...

Bone marrow may serve as a hub for stress responses in #HeartFailure, with hematopoietic #StemCells carrying “stress memories,” according to a new Science Immunology study in mice. scim.ag/7aW

Wonderful week at the Mind & Life Summer Research Institute (SRI) where contemplative practitioners, scientists, storytellers, activists, and artists shared insights on compassion and mental, physical, and global health Mind & Life

A new🔥Hot Topic🔥paper just dropped in Neuropsychopharmacology from Ebrahim Haroon & Andrew H. Miller "Rewiring the brain: Inflammation’s impact on glutamate and neural networks in depression" nature.com/articles/s4138…

We are excited to launch recruitment for our YEARS paid study on emotion and mood in young adults! Details below and quick survey you can take if you’d like to participate Positive Emotion and Psychopathology Lab

In a recent paper we report that major life stress in early childhood strengthens the association between peripheral inflammation and reward-related brain activity. These findings help understand 'how stress gets under the skin' Foundations of Health Research Center Anxiety and Depression Research Center at UCLA static1.squarespace.com/static/57ab59c…

Studying multiple organ systems helps us see, "how life adversity can generate risk for such a broad set of mental and physical health problems," says Robin Nusslock in this video introduction to the Neuroimmune Network hypothesis. cfr.uga.edu/for-researcher… #stress #healthequity

The Neuroimmune Network Hypothesis developed by Robin Nusslock and Foundations of Health Research Center's Greg Miller looks at biological and social factors to explain how stress gets under the skin and impacts children's lifelong health. Watch the video from UGA Center for Family Research to learn more: spr.ly/6014Y5yKA

Postdoc opening in my lab at Northwestern (kenpaller.com) for new studies of sleep, to include studies of advanced contemplative practices and other ways to enhance benefits of sleep for health and psychological well-being. Inquiries to [email protected]

Just out with Zach Ladwig and Diana C Perez, our perspective on "What do network approaches add to our understanding of prefrontal cortex and executive function" esforum.de/publications/P…