ID: 1328527047879225345
http://turnpiketrap.org 17-11-2020 02:35:20
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The slow death of PATH Train weekend service continues. Frequent, reliable transit between JC and NYC is impossible with Port Authority of NY & NJ in charge of the PATH.

Air pollution in any amount is bad for brain health. Keep that in mind when you think about all the schools near I78, the highway Governor Phil Murphy wants to widen, in Jersey City. Exhaust, brake dust, etc. We’re poisoning kids and New Jersey Turnpike is doubling down. #turnpiketrap

.Governor Phil Murphy rhetoric ... * climate change is real * NJ TRANSIT is "fixed" the reality ... * $30B across multiple highway widenings * no dedicated funding source for NJT * the person who oversees this transit and climate disaster, Diane Scaccetti, gets a promotion #turnpiketrap

I briefly return to twitter to say that the PATH is still bad. With that said, I’m still glad Rob Menendez is proud of the year he spent on the board. Good self esteem is important for mental health.