Lee Roberts
Professor of Molecular Physiology and Metabolism, University of Leeds. Diabetes, obesity, heart failure, metabolism, adipose, exercise and muscle.
ID: 776773145726443520
16-09-2016 13:22:04
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I had a great time this morning at the British Heart Foundation Retail Roadshow in Leeds, participating in the ‘Sales to Science’ session talking about what research the BHF funds, life outside of research, and the importance of events like this.
Arrived in London for the Medical Research Council Clinical Research Training Fellowship panel and looking forward to meeting the applicants and learning about their exciting research proposals. #Fellowship #clinicalresearch
Congratulations to British Council and Egyptian Embassy funded PhD student Shaimaa A. Gad from the group on her oral presentation award at the LICAMM International PhD Academy Away Day. All down to her hard work and collaborative support from a wonderful research group.
The Diabetes UK RD Lawrence Fellowship was key to securing my independent research career UniLeedsMed&Health 💙 LICAMM and provided a huge boost when I was first starting a research group. Not to mention the fanstastic ongoing support and community of Diabetes UK Research
Fully-funded EPSRC PhD opportunity LICAMM The Astbury Centre developing live-cell chemical cross linking methods to study myosin folding and disease with myself and Megan Wright phd.leeds.ac.uk/project/1985-d… apply by 9th August
Heading to Newcastle today for the joint The Physiological Society Scandinavian Physiological Society Conference. I’ll be speaking about #adipose - #muscle #metabokine #interorgancrosstalk tomorrow at 10am. Looking forward to learning about #physiologyinfocus
Thrilled to have been awarded a grant by the British Heart Foundation to investigate #adipose tissue and #cardiac #metabolism in #heartfailure. We will be recruiting a postdoc, so watch this space.
Congratulations to Dr. Julia S. Gauer and Robert Ariens on their publication in RPTH Great to collaborate alongside Amanda MacCannell, PhD to understand #polyphenols #platelets #hyperglycaemia Plant-derived compounds normalise platelet bioenergetics and function ... sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
Congratulations Richard Cubbon and Marcella Conning-Rowland on the publication in #CardiovascularResearch. Thanks for a fantastic collaboration. “diabetic myocardial transcriptome reveals Erbb3 and Hspa2 as a novel biomarkers of incident heart failure” academic.oup.com/cardiovascres/…
Does #echocardiography screening for #HF in a #pacemaker population improve clinical outcomes? See our paper Nature Medicine - only when delivered by specialised integrated #heartfailure and devices clinic. nature.com/articles/s4159…