Ruben Dries
drieslab.com | Cancer & Systems Biology | Spatial Technology | giottosuite.com | Postdocs wanted! (drieslab.com/Join%20Us/)
ID: 793596301
http://www.drieslab.com 31-08-2012 10:44:44
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Three members of our team presented Giotto Suite (v3.3.1) at the annual Bioconductor meeting in Boston! The presentation and demo code can be found at github.com/drieslab/Giott…

Interested in assessing the readiness of bioinformatics analytical methodologies for clinical application? Come work with me on a joint initiative between the Westmead Institute for Medical Research, CSIRO and the Sydney Precision Data Science Centre! wimr.elmotalent.com.au/careers/wimr/j…

The Heaphy Lab Boston Medical Center and Boston U Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine is looking to hire a talented Research Technician to help push our research forward. Please reach out if you know anyone looking in Boston or have them apply directly here. Thanks! bmc.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/BMC/job/Boston…

Curious about a showdown between 10x Genomics' Xenium & @nanostringtech's CosMx platforms ran in my lab and on sequential sections? Join us on Oct 25 at 4:30 pm AEDT #ozsinglecell23! #SingleCellSpatial #MetricsMatter #DataSpeaksTheTruth #More2Come #CutAboveTheRest

We are recruiting a new postdoc in spatial biology. The postdoc will develop innovative computational methods and/or software packages for spatial multi-omic analysis and join in the international effort toward building a comprehensive human cell atlas. labs.icahn.mssm.edu/yuanlab/positi…

Take a look at our new Giotto Suite spatial analysis platform and preprint! So grateful to work with such an amazing team. We started working on this massive project when I started my lab at Boston U Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center in August 2020. Amazing collaboration with Guo-Cheng Yuan lab.

The most retweeted spatial omics preprint in our search this past week: x.com/GiottoSpatial/… Congrats Giotto Ruben Dries Guo-Cheng Yuan labs! 💪🙌🧵 3/5

Ruben Dries Ruben Dries gave a great talk about #Giotto Suite which provides a great framework for analyzing spatial 🖼️ transcriptomics data Preprint 🗞️ doi.org/10.1101/2023.1… They are hosting a free workshop August 5-7, 2024. Sign up below 👇🏽 docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/… #FOGBoston

Earlier this week we carried out a preliminary analysis of our first 10x Genomics Xenium prime (5,000 gene) run. We had designed this experiment to get a sense of how the prime chemistry performed compared to the Xenium V1 chemistry.

Repo is at github.com/drieslab/dbver… Ruben Dries

This week Nick Eagles did a journal club presentation for my team on #GiottoSuite by George Chen Joselyn Chávez et al from Guo-Cheng Yuan Ruben Dries labs Check the 📽️ below 👇🏽 📜 doi.org/10.1101/2023.1… 📽️ youtu.be/iG_HvBUSeoA #SpatialTranscriptomics Bioconductor #RStats

Thank you @ISEH for shining a light on our group! 🔦 It fills me with pride to introduce our amazing team CReM Boston Medical Center Boston U Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine and we love being part of the wonderful experimental hematology research community! 🔬🩸