Librarian (@rmsreaders) 's Twitter Profile


ID: 3004031901

calendar_today29-01-2015 10:47:51

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Librarian (@rmsreaders) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's National Non-fiction November and the theme is 'Why don't you...' inspired by our display of books about hobbies and leisure activities to try something new this winter RMS Sixth Form RMS for Girls RMS English Dept RMS Futures RMS Drama

It's National Non-fiction November and the theme is 'Why don't you...' inspired by our display of books about hobbies and leisure activities to try something new this winter <a href="/RMSSixthForm/">RMS Sixth Form</a> <a href="/RMSforGirls/">RMS for Girls</a> <a href="/EngDeptRMS/">RMS English Dept</a> <a href="/RMSCareersDept/">RMS Futures</a> <a href="/RMSDramadept/">RMS Drama</a>
Librarian (@rmsreaders) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What do all these books have in common? Theme? Bestsellers? In any case, they come highly recommended (and many more on the fiction shelves too!) What are you reading at the moment? RMS English Dept RMS for Girls RMS Sixth Form

What do all these books have in common? Theme? Bestsellers? In any case, they come highly recommended (and many more on the fiction shelves too!) What are you reading at the moment? <a href="/EngDeptRMS/">RMS English Dept</a> <a href="/RMSforGirls/">RMS for Girls</a> <a href="/RMSSixthForm/">RMS Sixth Form</a>
Librarian (@rmsreaders) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Coming soon...SECRET SANTA BOOKS! We have been busy wrapping an assortment of awesome fiction, so if you want a mystery read for the Christmas holidays pop down to the Resource Centre in the last week of term! (whilst stocks last!)RMS for Girls RMS English Dept RMS Sixth Form

Coming soon...SECRET SANTA BOOKS! We have been busy wrapping an assortment of awesome fiction, so if you want a mystery read for the Christmas holidays pop down to the Resource Centre in the last week of term! (whilst stocks last!)<a href="/RMSforGirls/">RMS for Girls</a> <a href="/EngDeptRMS/">RMS English Dept</a> <a href="/RMSSixthForm/">RMS Sixth Form</a>
Librarian (@rmsreaders) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Coming VERY soon...SECRET SANTA BOOKS! Available to borrow from Monday 9th December- if you want a mystery read for the Christmas holidays pop down to the Resource Centre in the last week of term! (whilst stocks last!) RMS for Girls RMS English Dept RMS Sixth Form

Coming VERY soon...SECRET SANTA BOOKS! Available to borrow from Monday 9th December- if you want a mystery read for the Christmas holidays pop down to the Resource Centre in the last week of term! (whilst stocks last!)
<a href="/RMSforGirls/">RMS for Girls</a>
<a href="/EngDeptRMS/">RMS English Dept</a>
<a href="/RMSSixthForm/">RMS Sixth Form</a>
Librarian (@rmsreaders) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In the Resource Centre we LOVE a bit of festive reading- from romance to winter murder mysteries and history of the season to craft and cookery ideas- pop in and borrow something lovely to read RMS English Dept RMS for Girls RMS Sixth Form

In the Resource Centre we LOVE a bit of festive reading- from romance to winter murder mysteries and history of the season to craft and cookery ideas- pop in and borrow something lovely to read <a href="/EngDeptRMS/">RMS English Dept</a> <a href="/RMSforGirls/">RMS for Girls</a> <a href="/RMSSixthForm/">RMS Sixth Form</a>
Librarian (@rmsreaders) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Coming Soon (last week of term): Tiny Santa is lost in the Resource Centre! Find Tiny Santa and return him to the Librarian on duty to win a small prize! Tiny Santa is approx 3cm tall and could be anywhere in the Library up/downstairs/foyer..RMS for Girls RMS English Dept RMS Sixth Form

Coming Soon (last week of term): Tiny Santa is lost in the Resource Centre! Find Tiny Santa and return him to the Librarian on duty to win a small prize! Tiny Santa is approx 3cm tall and could be anywhere in the Library up/downstairs/foyer..<a href="/RMSforGirls/">RMS for Girls</a> <a href="/EngDeptRMS/">RMS English Dept</a> <a href="/RMSSixthForm/">RMS Sixth Form</a>
Librarian (@rmsreaders) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🎅Tiny Santa has arrived! Every break time and lunch time this week he will be hiding somewhere in the Resource Centre- find him and bring him to the Librarian on duty to win a small prize 🎅 RMS for Girls

🎅Tiny Santa has arrived! Every break time and lunch time this week he will be hiding somewhere in the Resource Centre- find him and bring him to the Librarian on duty to win a small prize 🎅
<a href="/RMSforGirls/">RMS for Girls</a>
Librarian (@rmsreaders) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Books transport us-and none more so than these (and many other!)science fiction masterpieces. Space travel, time travel, dystopia, the unimaginable and the truly extraordinary- open up one of these titles and discover a whole other world...RMS for Girls RMS English Dept #ScienceFiction

Books transport us-and none more so than these (and many other!)science fiction masterpieces. Space travel, time travel, dystopia, the unimaginable and the truly extraordinary- open up one of these titles and discover a whole other world...<a href="/RMSforGirls/">RMS for Girls</a> <a href="/EngDeptRMS/">RMS English Dept</a> #ScienceFiction
Librarian (@rmsreaders) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Why not start the new year by trying some fresh and exciting vegan dishes, inspired by our recommended cook books...these and many more available in the Resource Centre 🥑🥦🌶️Veganuary RMS English Dept RMS Sixth Form RMS for Girls

Why not start the new year by trying some fresh and exciting vegan dishes, inspired by our recommended cook books...these and many more available in the Resource Centre 🥑🥦🌶️<a href="/veganuary/">Veganuary</a> <a href="/EngDeptRMS/">RMS English Dept</a> <a href="/RMSSixthForm/">RMS Sixth Form</a> <a href="/RMSforGirls/">RMS for Girls</a>
Librarian (@rmsreaders) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Holocaust Memorial Day is coming soon on 27th January- opportunity to reflect on genocide past and present. Browse our display of survivor's stories and reflect on how we can all help build a more inclusive future #HMD2025 RMS for Girls RMS English Dept RMS Sixth Form RMS History and Politics

Holocaust Memorial Day is coming soon on 27th January- opportunity to reflect on genocide past and present. Browse our display of survivor's stories and reflect on how we can all help build a more inclusive future #HMD2025 <a href="/RMSforGirls/">RMS for Girls</a> <a href="/EngDeptRMS/">RMS English Dept</a> <a href="/RMSSixthForm/">RMS Sixth Form</a> <a href="/RMSHistDepart/">RMS History and Politics</a>