理化学研究所 革新知能統合研究センター(RIKEN AIP)の公式アカウントです。
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https://aip.riken.jp/ 26-01-2018 02:39:15
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RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project TRUST ML seminars are back! Our next talk, 18/01/2022 4-6pm JST (8-10am CET) will feature D. Eleonora Giunchiglia and D. Maxime Cordy They will introduce the fascinating world of Constrained Machine Learning
It's already the 50th RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project TRUST ML seminar! Our 24/01/2022 5-6pm JST (9-10am CET) Jenny Schmalfuss from Uni Stuttgart will present her work on photorealistic adversarial attacks on Motion Estimation, best paper at ECCV22-AROW Registration: bit.ly/3D0X0g1
Don't miss the next RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project TRUST #ML seminar on 30/01/2023 5-6pm JST (9-10am CET). Our guest, Dr. Olivia Wiles from @DeepMind will cover #spuriouscorrelations,#distributionshift, and evaluation tools for #ReliableAI Register on bit.ly/3DblZgJ ! Jingfeng ZHANG (Hiring PhDs)
RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project welcomes Dan Hendrycks and Sasha (Alexander) Sax from UC Berkeley for our 52nd Trust ML Young Scientists online seminars about #ML #Robustness & #safety register on bit.ly/3JlLTm8 Jingfeng ZHANG (Hiring PhDs) ML Safety Trustworthy ML Initiative (TrustML)