Rhiannon Werder
Scientist, dog enthusiast. Using iPSCs to understand respiratory infections and chronic lung disease at @MCRI_for_kids 🫁 She/her. 📧[email protected]
ID: 1164674400
10-02-2013 02:22:19
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Excited to be kicking off #TSANZSRS2024 with a #CIMBL workshop on #CRISPR and #iPSC technologies with Alen Faiz and Tom Iosifidis. Thanks to our sponsor STEMCELL Technologies for enabling this workshop 🧫🧬

One of the most educational #TSANZSRS2024 workshops I've been to; learning about the latest science/tech, as well as hands-on skills on how to design CRISPR/Cas9 guide RNA. Thank you Alen Faiz & Rhiannon Werder! Shoutout to Kak Ming Ling for assisting with the organisation 👏

Fantastic #TSANZSRS2024 Symposium focused on cutting edge cellular models for disease modelling and drug discovery. Great to speak alongside Tom Iosifidis Dr Shafa Waters Anthony Kicic

Excited to present our #CF reserach at the TSANZ symposium-using cutting edge cellular models for disease modelling and drug discovery- #tsanzsrs2024 Great to speak alongside Tom Iosifidis Anthony Kicic Rhiannon Werder UNSW Medicine & Health #non-animal technologies

Another excellent discovery science symposium at #TSANZSRS2024 focused on single cell technologies for respiratory disease featuring Alen Faiz Melanie Neeland Dr Steve Milne and Gerard Kaiko

Very excited to share our new paper in Mucosal Immunology. We identified two common and easily measurable #endotypes of childhood #wheeze and #CSLD, highlighting the potential for a #treatabletraits approach for these conditions🧵 mucosalimmunology.org/article/S1933-…

And the #CUREAsthma symposium has started this morning! The room is full and buzzing with enthusiasm to tackle this big challenge. It's time to CURE #asthma once and for all! Asthma Australia University of Melbourne Bio21 Institute

The world's flattest cells! The latest from our lab, just out today Cell Stem Cell by first author Claire Burgess CReM BU Pulmonary Boston Medical Center. Generation of human alveolar epithelial type I cells from pluripotent stem cells: Cell Stem Cell cell.com/cell-stem-cell…

We are seeking an enthusiastic, motivated and curious PhD student to join us at Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) to study how viral infections lead to pulmonary fibrosis using stem cell models 🫁. More details here: findaphd.com/phds/project/e…

Congrats to MCRI Dr Rhiannon Werder who has been awarded an #MRFF grant to advance research into pulmonary fibrosis, a common #longcovid complication that results in #lungdamage. University of Melbourne @Dohertyinstitute Mark Butler MP #MCRIResearch 👉 direc.to/kCzB

Drs. Declan Turner, Rhiannon Werder, and co. propose a roadmap for building an #iPSC-derived in vitro model of the proximal and distal lung to model respiratory infections, and their interaction with chronic lung diseases. Get the full story 📚: bit.ly/3LsOEBE

Congrats to #MCRI Dr Rhiannon Werder who has received a Carty Signature Grant from the L.E.W. Carty Charitable Fund to examine the immune systems of patients with genetic chronic lung disease. | #MedicalResearch #LungDisease #CP #AATD #RareDisease ➡️ direc.to/maDr