Reuben Rail
#Strategy #Leadership & #Culture consultant. Husband. Father. Lover of books and awesome (cheesy) action movies.
ID: 18141781
https://alignstrategy.co 15-12-2008 18:00:45
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"The ultimate form of preparation is not planning for a specific scenario, but a mindset that can handle uncertainty." –James Clear #resilience #Mindset

Hello ARMRA Colostrum™ - is there any research on using ARMRA while fasting? Does it spike insulin? Would it interrupt autophagy? Thx.

Hey James Clear - have you seen this? A habit test was created on Atomic Habits (not me). microhabitstest.com

"The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The work of life is to develop it. The meaning of life is to give your gift away." — David Viscott The three stages of life: Discover, Develop, Gift. A simple formula for a life well-lived. - Sahil Bloom

Ouch. "It's hard to build momentum if you're dividing your attention." – James Clear

. Strategyzer - Do you have case studies of companies using the #BusinessModelCanvas to develop their #strategy? Just read Roger L. Martin article on Playing to Win and BMC. Curious on application examples. rogermartin.medium.com/business-model… Thanks.

Jobs To Be Done theory is an invaluable approach to innovation & discovering customers' unmet needs. But, I haven't seen any examples for nonprofits &/or social services. If you know of any case studies, please share them here. Thx. #jtbd Bob Moesta Strategyn Tony Ulwick

Ouch. "You won't always get what you strive for, but you will definitely get what you settle for. You won't magically outperform your standards." -James Clear

"Life is harder when you expect a lot of the world and little of yourself. Life is easier when you expect a lot of yourself and little of the world. High standards, low expectations." -James Clear

Hey Google Workspace - for Meet, it would be great if we could have personalized URLs for our own 'room' like Zoom does. Thanks.

"If you want to avoid criticism, create less. If you want to avoid irrelevance, create more." -James Clear

The irony as this article is behind a paywall. Please fix @theatla "Democracy does not die in darkness—it dies behind paywalls," Richard Stengel writes: theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/…

"In many cases, what you hope to learn by reading books or listening to podcasts can only be learned by attempting what you fear. Some knowledge is only revealed through action." -James Clear