Responsible Defense Firearms Training | RDFT
🇵🇷En un Mundo Volatil, Incierto, Complejo y Ambiguo... Nuestro Adiestramiento es Su mejor Defensa. #PuertoRico #DefensaPersonal #AutoDefensa #GunTraining
ID: 879093040379564033
http://RespDef.com 25-06-2017 21:44:48
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If you don't think self-defense training--with or without firearms--can help save lives, keep thinking. And watching this video! #Women #REAIM🚸 🇺🇸 Chicago Police

"Mom, call 911 before they shoot us too!” The greatest threat to drivers and passengers in America today is road rage. Learning deescalation skills helps save lives. #PSA #REAIM🚸 🇺🇸 National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Secretary Pete Buttigieg

Why are you carrying a gun? The Arizona Daily Sun: azdailysun.com/opinion/letter… via Arizona Daily Sun

"A domestic violence victim’s risk of death is five times higher if their abuser has access to a firearm, according to federal data." texastribune.org/2022/11/14/tex… via Texas Tribune