JetBrains ReSharper C++
Visual Studio extension for C++ developers. Inspired by @ReSharper. Made by @JetBrains
ID: 3130994213 01-04-2015 09:32:06
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A new inspection in ReSharper C++ helps you avoid falling into one of the common traps of the AddDynamic helper macro. You now get a warning when a dynamic delegate function is not marked with the UFUNCTION macro. Learn more: Unreal Engine #gamedev
The ReSharper C++ 2023.3 EAP is up and running! Alt+Insert shortcut is available to automatically generate almost everything you need. In EAP, we've tuned the generation of hash functions to take the Unreal Engine style into account. Learn more: #cpp
JetBrains JetBrains Grazie has become ReSharper’s new built-in grammar and spelling checker. It catches natural language errors within code written in programming languages supported by ReSharper. Learn more:…