Georgie Robertson | The Regional PR Co.
Dedicated to connecting rural and regional stories with local and national media |
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Insta: georgie_regional_pr
ID: 969352193445740545
01-03-2018 23:22:27
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Tomorrow is World Edible Insect Day. Keep an ear out for @Goterra_CEO & her conversation with fellow bug-lover Hic Nealey 🎙️🥃 as they chat re: the benefits of ingesting crickets, termites, mealworms & ants & the positive impact on agriculture & sustainability of our planet #evokeag #abc

Grab a hot frothy and settle in because young fathers are no longer just dads, now, they’re DILFS - it's the local club bringing new meaning to the acronym. #Tamworth #NewEngland #menwhomultitask via Northern Daily Leader northerndailyleader.com.au/story/5724659/…

Agtech is heading to space!! Big congrats to @Flavia_space with the brilliant news that her Australian space startup Fleet Space Technologies is sending 2 nanosatellites to space within weeks after teaming up with Kiwi venture Rocket Lab. businessinsider.com.au/australian-spa…

Growing crops without soil & sunlight, #agtech innovation & radical foods are items are on the menu as 50 global leaders head to Melbourne to speak at #agtech event evokeag.com Andrew Darby Joel Werner Lisa Cox Michael Hopkin ABC Radio National Guardian Australia Joanna Trilling

The 'hopeful movement' rural and regional retailers have been waiting for. Thanks Jenny Noyes for the great story this morning on the 'life changing' hashtag that's connecting city shoppers to bush businesses smh.com.au/national/nsw/t… via The Sydney Morning Herald #buyfromthebush

Hands down the best article I have read re: Grace Brennan's #AustraliaDay Address (and they are coming think and fast). Nailed it Pru Goward. In today's The Sydney Morning Herald smh.com.au/national/what-… #buyfromthebush

Stellar lineup in today's The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. Australia’s nine most influential women entrepreneurs as nominated by Small Business Minister Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash, Small Business Ombudsman Kate Carnell & SMH small biz editor Cara Waters #entrepreneurs #IWD2020 smh.com.au/business/small…

Kudos to regional whisky distillery making 5k litres of hand sanitiser a day after getting a call from VIC Health Dept. Owner Neil Druce can't keep up with demand but says the pivot has kept 100 staff in jobs. tinyurl.com/w3csdpd Cara Waters #SmallBusinesses #COVID2019AU

So many podcasts to choose from - this one looks like a cracker, and for someone who doesn't wash her hair Fiona Poole has a rather fabulous mane #inspired @peterwells tinyurl.com/ycnyj2zz