Anthony J. Ferate
Fmr. OKGOP Chairman, attorney, guitar enthusiast, @Huskers alum, fan of Mariners & SuperSonics, OKC FedSoc Co-President; enthusiastic @theblackcrowes fan.
ID: 158031653
21-06-2010 15:51:31
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Today an extreme faction of the OK Republican Party held a meeting without providing an official call to all members of the State Committee, including me, to attack Senator James Lankford. Any vote taken by the OKGOP today was not legitimate and definitely does not represent the

As Chairman of Governor Kevin Stitt ‘s Task Force on Campaign Finance and Election Threats, the panel recommended eliminating “Ranked Choice Voting.” The legislature responded. Thank you to the authors, as well as Greg Treat and Charles McCall for advancing the bill to the Governor.

Statement from Governor Ralph Northam : “There may be a campaign that's nonviable. So in this particular example, if a campaign is flailing, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The candidate would be interviewed by Stephanopolous. The candidate would be kept comfortable. The

Hey Janelle Stecklein you might want to check out Article 7(b)(5) of the Oklahoma Constitution. There is no check and balance between the judiciary and other branches in the Constitution. But the voters do have a check: the retention election. And the voters are allowed to be

Anthony J. Ferate Janelle Stecklein She's upset that we might get too much democracy. Seriously, defenders of the Bar Association's JNC system love to point out, "but there's retention elections." Then when people might vote out three of the worst justices, they freak out.

For more than ten years Mayor David Holt has advanced legislation that would undermine our nation-leading election system. He has called for same-day voter registration, mandatory statewide mail-only elections, and even the jungle “top-two” system he again proposes today in SQ 835.

Anthony J. Ferate If Oklahoma would have had this jungle "top-two" system in 2018, the general election for governor would have been between two Democrats. ocpathink.org/post/analysis/…