Ruben Bierings
Endothelial cell biologist studying Weibel-Palade bodies & Von Willebrand factor secretion | ISTH Vascular Biology SSC Co-Chair | @ErasmusMC / @clotterdam
ID: 499169528
https://www.erasmusmc.nl/en/cancer-institute/research/groups/hematology-bierings-lab 21-02-2012 21:06:02
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Arrived in the Netherlands, where I will be giving a seminar at Erasmus MC in Rotterdam today at noon, as per invitation by Els Mansell. DM me for the room number. Hope to see some of you there! erasmusmc.nl/en/

Great molecular aspects of hematology organised by Erasmus MC Hematology Ruud Delwel with Els Mansell & other fantastic (keynote) speakers in rainy Rotterdam ☔ I got to present, as well as other PhDs from our dept who did an amazing job Sanne Massaar Isabel Bär and Jenny Huang

Ex vivo MADD patient ECFCs for the win! Awesome work by Sophie Hordijk from Erasmus MC Hemostasis and Thrombosis showing the in vivo relevance of Weibel-Palade body exocytosis for regulation of plasma VWF levels.

Next co-chair Ruben Bierings introduced a project on standardization of #ECFCs, running over the next year and looking for participants to prepare/send samples! #ISTH2024

#ISTH2024 #WTD 5K Fun Run was sweaty and very very early after a good party, but we were there! ISTH Erasmus MC Hemostasis and Thrombosis Kristen Sanfilippo Kerstin de Wit Sophie Hordijk Thomas Reiser PantepAngchaisuksiri and #nosleep Ruben Bierings

so nice to also read the stories about all these items in your office Anna Randi Lab

The Erasmus Hematology Virtual Lecture Series starts again September 2, with a fantastic line up: MaximPimkin,Alex Bick, Kellie Machlus, Jonas Schluter, Job Dekker, nizar jacques bahlis, Elsa Bernard Retweet and share with your colleagues and friends us06web.zoom.us/j/82722159417

Truly honored to contribute to ATVB: An AHA Journal's Centennial Collection with mentor extraordinaire Denisa Wagner: our thoughts on targeting #NETs in #DVT, 10 years following our "Tangled up in NETs" review. Stay tuned for more on this from us soon 🕸️🩸💉bit.ly/3LJnV4g

New paper out in JAMA Oncology! 🚨 Real-world data (RWD) external control arms are gaining traction in prospective studies, but we need to balance their advantages with meeting evidentiary standards Our review highlights significant differences between RWD and trial data🧵(1/7)

Hoe groot wordt de ‘Von Willebrand Factor’ bij nieuwe behandelingen tegen trombose? Onderzoek gefinancieerd door Trombosestichting. trombosestichting.nl/nieuws/onderzo… #VWF #trombose #sepsis