Reema Bandar Al-Saud
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to the United States of America. سفيرة خادم الحرمين الشريفين لدى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
ID: 552741802
http://saudiembassy.net 13-04-2012 14:27:53
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The #Saudi Shoura Council (مجلس الشورى) has welcomed 19 new women among its members, marking a giant leap towards enhancing women's participation in the Kingdom's legislative process. saudigazette.com.sa/article/645255

النمر العربي، رمز القوة والعزیمة … نقدم لكم الطقم الرسمي الثاني للمنتخب الوطني، والمستوحى من ھذا الرمز الذي تبذل المملكة جھودًا كبیرة لحمایته من الانقراض Arabian Leopard Fund صندوق النمر العربي 🐆 🇸🇦 #صندوق_النمر_العربي #النمر_العربي

The #Saudi Ministry of Finance welcomes the IMF Middle East & North Africa #Article_IV_Consultation_2024 report with #Saudi Arabia, praising economic transformation and diversification efforts under the #SaudiVision2030. Read More:🔗 mof.gov.sa/en/MediaCenter…

Our Environmental Compliance team works daily to protect the natural beauty of The Red Sea | البحر الأحمر and AMAALA | أمالا. With 50+ environmental professionals on-site, we ensure our developments exceed the highest environmental standards. See our team in action 👇 #ForPeopleAndPlanet

The role that a sports school can play in shaping the future of generations to come is massively positive. I congratulate أكاديمية مهد الرياضية for this huge milestone, wishing our amazing students and future champions the best of luck in their career 🇸🇦 💚 وزارة التعليم

“Saudi Arabia's remarkable economic transformation is advancing steadily, driven by its modernization and diversification efforts,” states IMF Middle East & North Africa in its report following the #Article_IV_Consultation_2024, highlighting the Kingdom's growing economy.